Tulsa Birth Center for a Natural Childbirth Experience

Mother holds her baby while sitting near a window, Tulsa Birth Center.

 Are you looking for a peaceful and welcoming environment for a natural childbirth experience? The Tulsa Birth Center is the perfect place for you! The center will make you feel at home with midwives who are dedicated to helping you through every step of the process.

Baby toes, Tulsa Birth Center.

Tulsa Birth Center: Empowering Your Birth Experience

The Tulsa Birth Center is a beautiful option for women who want to have a natural childbirth experience. The center provides a calm and welcoming environment, with experienced midwives dedicated to helping women through childbirth. Located at 6925 South Canton Avenue, the birth center was founded in 2015 by Sarah Foster. Moreover, she is a professional midwife with a master’s degree in Maternal-Child Health Systems. Sarah Foster, MA-MCHS, LM, CPM, is joined by an experienced team of certified professional midwives, licensed midwives, primary midwives under supervision, student midwives, and birth assistants. 

Mother holds baby in her lap while sitting on a bench, Tulsa Birth Center.


One of the main benefits of the Tulsa Birth Center is that it offers a home-like environment. This makes it an excellent option for women who want to feel relaxed and at ease during labor and delivery.  Another advantage of this birth center is that it offers a range of natural childbirth options. This includes water births, which can significantly reduce pain and promote relaxation during labor. Furthermore, it provides access to pain management techniques, including massage, aromatherapy, and breathing exercises.

The best part about the Tulsa Birth Center is the experienced midwives passionate about helping women through childbirth. These midwives provide personalized care, taking the time to know your unique needs and preferences. Furthermore, they are trained to identify potential complications to ensure you receive the best medical attention possible. The midwives focus on a hands-off approach, utilizing their extensive training, experience, and unwavering trust in the normal, physiological birth process to guide their clients through the birth process without unnecessary interventions! 

Mother nurses her infant.


Safety is always a concern regarding childbirth, but there’s no need to worry at the Tulsa Birth Center. The birth center is fully licensed and accredited, providing midwives that are highly trained professionals who can handle challenging situations that may arise. Studies have shown that birth centers, such as Tulsa Birth Center, have lower rates of interventions and complications than hospitals, making them a safe and effective option for many women. Additionally, Tulsa Birth Center offers doula services and educational resources, which help ensure a supported mom throughout pregnancy and postpartum.

Newborn baby girl sleeping in her mother's lap.

Tulsa Birth Center

If you’re considering a birth center for your labor and delivery, the Tulsa Birth Center is worth checking out. With its comfortable, home-like atmosphere, range of natural childbirth options, and experienced midwives, it’s the perfect birth center to welcome your new bundle of joy into the world!

As you eagerly anticipate the arrival of your precious little one, it’s important to make sure you schedule your maternity and newborn sessions to capture these incredible memories! As a motherhood photographer, I love to capture and document these beautiful and brief moments in motherhood.

I strive to make the process as effortless as possible, providing a client closet where you can choose from various beautiful dresses. For your baby, I have custom hand-knit rompers that will make them look adorable. If you want more details or have any questions, we should chat! I can’t wait to share how I will create beautiful art for your and preserve your precious memories.